• Bahraini Ombudsman Annual Report: We Investigated 11 death cases in Jaw prison

    Bahrain Mirror: Ombudsman Nawaf Al-Moawda stated that, during the period between May 1st 2014 and April 30, 2015, the Secretariat of Ombudsman “received 908 grievances including 319 complaints and 589 help requests.”

  • PHOTOS: Thousands of Bahrainis Demand Sheikh Ali Salman’s Release and Denounce Al-Anoud Bombing

    Bahrain Mirror: Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Bahrain (on Friday, May 29, 2015) to protest against the continued detention of Al-Wefaq Secretary-General, Sheikh Ali Salman, and denounce the bomb attack that targeted Imam Hussein Mosque in Al-Anoud, Dammam, Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province.

  • PHOTOS: Protestors Attempt to Reach Highway West of Manama amid Major Security Alert

    Bahrain Mirror: Bahraini protestors managed to break through the barriers deployed by the ministry of interior to direct the protests that the revolutionary opposition forces called for staging on a highway, east of the Bahraini capital, Manama, on Saturday (May 30, 2015). Dozens of Bahrainis marched through Al-Budai Street starting from Al-Daih and reaching AbdulKareem roundabout, where they clashed with security forces, which were heavily deployed there.

  • Lambrinidis Stresses the Importance of Releasing Activists

    Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): The European Union Special Representative for Human Rights, Stavros Lambrinidis, stated that during his visit to Bahrain, he stressed the importance of releasing political prisoners and civil activists.

  • King Hamad: “Why are people calling me a dictator? I am not like President Assad of Syria”

    Bahrain Mirror: Frank Gardner, the BBC security correspondent, stated that in early 2011 Bahrain looked poised to become the first Gulf state to experience dramatic regime change at the hands of the so-called “Arab Spring”. But today, this tiny island is rarely in the news.

  • Ali Al-Aswad: Bahraini Government Grants Thai Rice Instead of Achieving Development

    Bahrain Mirror: Ali Al-Aswad, the former Bahraini MP for Al-Wefaq opposition society, slammed the government headed by Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa after Bahrain News Agency (BNA) announced that the later had granted 100 tons of deluxe Thai rice to civil societies.

  • Britain Unveils New Sections of a Secret Report about Bahrain

    Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): The British government officially released yesterday (May 29, 2015) retained sections of a report about Bahrain that dates back to 1977 due to a court order, that supported not publishing the whole document, but ruled that the remaining details be disclosed.

  • King Hamad Receives Representatives of Islamic endowments and Hussainya Processions

    Bahrain Mirror: King Hamad received members of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs and representatives of the Islamic endowments and the General Authority for Hussainya Processions, stressing that Bahrain will always remain the country of co-existence, tolerance, solidarity and security for its closely-knit people.

  • Bahrain’s Interior Minister: Our Duty Is to Protect Places of Worship

    Bahrain Mirror: Reports said that Bahrain’s Interior Minister Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa received representatives of the General Authority for Hussainya Processions to discuss how to provide the protection of places of worship and gatherings on religious occasions, including the occasion of the eve of 15th of Shaban.

  • AFP: Bahrain Court Jails Six Police for Torture

    AFP: A Bahraini court on Sunday jailed six police officers for up to five years after convicting them of torturing inmates, one of whom died, a judicial source said.

  • Ministry of Housing: Allocating 70 Million BD to house the Defence Force

    Bahrain Mirror: Bahrain's ministry of housing disclosed that it has allocated 70 million BD of its project budget for 2015-2016 for housing projects for the Bahraini defence force members, according to “a royal instruction”. The projects will be built on lands owned by the defence force.

  • “The Police Are on Our Side”: Armed Men Patrol A’ali and Shoot Live Rounds

    Bahrain Mirror: Bahraini citizens file complaints about shootings of live rounds and armed men breaking into homes, according to Al-Wasat newspaper, which also reported that live rounds were fired at protesters marching through the streets of Al-Ma’ameer.

  • Bahrain Ministry of Education: Unemployed Honors Graduates Fail Employment Exam

    Bahrain Mirror: Unemployed chemistry and technology teaching graduates with honors staged a protest outside the general directorate of reviews building affiliated to the ministry of education, after five years of their graduation, as they have received a text message from the ministry stating that they failed the recruitment exam.

  • Civilian Forces Arrest Youths from the City Center Mall and Attack them

    Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): The civilian forces arrested five youths, who were pursued by the authorities, in City Center Mall in the capital, Manama. The arrested youths were beaten in front of the people in the mall, before they got handcuffed and taken to unknown place.

  • Interior Minister to EU Special HR Representative: We Reject Any Divisions in Bahraini Society

    Bahrain Mirror: Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa stated on Thursday, May 28, 2015, that his country enforces the law on all, rejecting any divisions or classifications of the components of the Bahraini society, as more talks of the issue of targeting the Shiite majority in the country have been raised.

  • Ministry of Health Warns of a Deterioration in Health Services after State Budget Cuts

    Bahrain Mirror: Bahrain’s ministry of health warned that the health services granted to the citizens and residents will be significantly affected, since the budget for the two fiscal years 2015/2016 showed a decline by 25-30% as compared to the actual spending of 2014.

  • Al-Bilad Newspaper Journalist: Corruption in Bahrain Polytechnic

    Bahrain Mirror: One of Al-Bilad newspaper’s journalists, Rashed Al-Ghaeb, stated that he was handed a file from employees in Bahrain Polytechnic college, containing many details about “the employment of relatives, suspensions over corruption, odd decisions issued as a result of briberies by the college’s executive board.”

  • Public Prosecution: A Speedy Trial for an Arab Convict Over Promoting Extremist Ideas

    Bahrain Mirror: The Chief Prosecutor of the Terror Crimes Prosecution, Ahmed Al-Hammadi, stated that the prosecution received a report from the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation and Evidence Department stating that a person posted on social media sites some topics that promote the thought of one the extremist organizations, which is considered an incitement of hatred against a sect of people and insult to its rituals.

  • Tomb of Sufism Founder in Bahrain Sabotaged

    Bahrain Mirror: An unknown group of people attacked and sabotaged the tomb of Sufism founder in Bahrain, Sheikh Muhammed ibn Ali ibn Yaqoob Al-Hijazi, in Al-Muharreq cemetery near Kanoo mosque. Meanwhile, the Imam Malik bin Anas Society said that the attack took place last Friday (on May 22, 2015).

  • Detention of the Child Mohammad Mansour Renewed

    Bahrain Mirror: Lawyer Abdullah al-Shamlawi stated that the juvenile court judge renewed, for the seventh week, the detention of the child, Mohammad Mansour, who is accused of smuggling detonators from Iraq, “without allowing us to visit him or have a look at the investigation papers”.