» News
  • AFP: Bahrain Court Jails Six Police for Torture

    AFP: A Bahraini court on Sunday jailed six police officers for up to five years after convicting them of torturing inmates, one of whom died, a judicial source said.

  • Ministry of Housing: Allocating 70 Million BD to house the Defence Force

    Bahrain Mirror: Bahrain's ministry of housing disclosed that it has allocated 70 million BD of its project budget for 2015-2016 for housing projects for the Bahraini defence force members, according to “a royal instruction”. The projects will be built on lands owned by the defence force.

  • “The Police Are on Our Side”: Armed Men Patrol A’ali and Shoot Live Rounds

    Bahrain Mirror: Bahraini citizens file complaints about shootings of live rounds and armed men breaking into homes, according to Al-Wasat newspaper, which also reported that live rounds were fired at protesters marching through the streets of Al-Ma’ameer.

  • Bahrain Ministry of Education: Unemployed Honors Graduates Fail Employment Exam

    Bahrain Mirror: Unemployed chemistry and technology teaching graduates with honors staged a protest outside the general directorate of reviews building affiliated to the ministry of education, after five years of their graduation, as they have received a text message from the ministry stating that they failed the recruitment exam.

  • Civilian Forces Arrest Youths from the City Center Mall and Attack them

    Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): The civilian forces arrested five youths, who were pursued by the authorities, in City Center Mall in the capital, Manama. The arrested youths were beaten in front of the people in the mall, before they got handcuffed and taken to unknown place.

  • Interior Minister to EU Special HR Representative: We Reject Any Divisions in Bahraini Society

    Bahrain Mirror: Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa stated on Thursday, May 28, 2015, that his country enforces the law on all, rejecting any divisions or classifications of the components of the Bahraini society, as more talks of the issue of targeting the Shiite majority in the country have been raised.

  • Ministry of Health Warns of a Deterioration in Health Services after State Budget Cuts

    Bahrain Mirror: Bahrain’s ministry of health warned that the health services granted to the citizens and residents will be significantly affected, since the budget for the two fiscal years 2015/2016 showed a decline by 25-30% as compared to the actual spending of 2014.

  • Al-Bilad Newspaper Journalist: Corruption in Bahrain Polytechnic

    Bahrain Mirror: One of Al-Bilad newspaper’s journalists, Rashed Al-Ghaeb, stated that he was handed a file from employees in Bahrain Polytechnic college, containing many details about “the employment of relatives, suspensions over corruption, odd decisions issued as a result of briberies by the college’s executive board.”

  • Public Prosecution: A Speedy Trial for an Arab Convict Over Promoting Extremist Ideas

    Bahrain Mirror: The Chief Prosecutor of the Terror Crimes Prosecution, Ahmed Al-Hammadi, stated that the prosecution received a report from the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation and Evidence Department stating that a person posted on social media sites some topics that promote the thought of one the extremist organizations, which is considered an incitement of hatred against a sect of people and insult to its rituals.

  • Tomb of Sufism Founder in Bahrain Sabotaged

    Bahrain Mirror: An unknown group of people attacked and sabotaged the tomb of Sufism founder in Bahrain, Sheikh Muhammed ibn Ali ibn Yaqoob Al-Hijazi, in Al-Muharreq cemetery near Kanoo mosque. Meanwhile, the Imam Malik bin Anas Society said that the attack took place last Friday (on May 22, 2015).

  • Detention of the Child Mohammad Mansour Renewed

    Bahrain Mirror: Lawyer Abdullah al-Shamlawi stated that the juvenile court judge renewed, for the seventh week, the detention of the child, Mohammad Mansour, who is accused of smuggling detonators from Iraq, “without allowing us to visit him or have a look at the investigation papers”.

  • Bahraini Government Confiscates Farhat Khorshid’s House

    Bahrain Mirror: The wife of Farhat Khorshid, who was forcibly expelled from Bahrain, filed a complaint against the ministry of housing over confiscating their home, depriving her husband of his insurance rights, stopping the dispense of their allowance, indicating that “there was no cooperation on the part of competent parties in this regard.”

  • Bahraini Police Confiscate Three Refrigerators of Shrimp From Popular Market

    Bahrain Mirror: Bahraini security forces confiscated three shrimp refrigerators from Jidhafs popular market. Eyewitnesses stated that members of riot police accompanied by members of coast guards raided the market today (May 23, 2015).

  • Acquitting Tarek Al-Amer of Disdaining the Shiite Sect

    Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): A Bahraini court acquitted today (Wednesday, May 27, 2015) the author Tarek Al-Amer, who wrote an article in Al-Bilad newspaper (on April 22, 2014) through which he insulted the rituals of the Shiite sect, that constitutes the majority of Bahrainis.

  • Court Refuses to Hand Salman’s Defence Team a Copy of the Prosecution’s Plea

    Bahrain Mirror: Abdullah Al-Shamlawi, one of the defence lawyers of Al-Wefaq leader, Sheikh Ali Salman, said that they requested “a copy of the Prosecution’s plea and record of the court hearing, during which we were not allowed to deliver our plea”, stressing that their “request was denied” by the court.

  • Families of Jaw Prison Detainees: We Want to Inform the EU Delegation about the Detainees’ Sufferings

    Bahrain Mirror: The Families of a number of detainees in Jaw Prison requested that their concern over their sons be relieved, as they have been living in harsh conditions since the outbreak of the mass protests inside prison on March 10.

  • Bahrain Supreme Court Upholds Death Penalty of Two Youths Accused of Killing a Policeman

    Bahrain Mirror: The Supreme Court of Appeals, presided over by Judge Isa Al-Kaabi, and Nawaf Khalfan as Secretariat, upheld on Wednesday, May 27, 2015 the death sentences of the two youths, Mohammed Ramadan and Hussein Ali Moussa, after being convicted of killing a policeman in Dair village.

  • Public Prosecution Doesn’t Renew Rajab’s Pretrial Detention Nor Refers him to Court

    Bahrain Mirror:: Lawyer Mohammed Al-Jishi said that the Public Prosecution stopped the renewal of the pretrial detention of the BCHR president, human rights activist Nabeel Rajab "over the charge related to his tweets about the Jaw Prison abuses" among other charges linked to his opposition to the war on Yemen.

  • Sheikh Salman’s Defence Team File a False Testimony Complaint

    Bahrain Mirror: Abdullah Al-Shamlawi, one of the defence lawyers of Al-Wefaq leader, Sheikh Ali Salman, said that the prosecution listened to the defence team as they raised a false testimony complaint against the only prosecution witness, "the interior ministry officer Khaled Al-Saedi".

  • BCHR Slams Judge Al-Dhahrani after Salman’s Trial

    Bahrain Mirror: The Bahrain Center for Human Rights expressed its deep concerns over the ongoing trial of Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society Secretary-General, Sheikh Ali Salman, and the authorities’ verdict to fine the activist Nader Abdulemam 1500 BD over establishing “Insaf” (Equity) organization that aims at tackling cases of discrimination.