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Abu Talha Al-Bahraini who was Killed in Syria Born to a Yemeni Father

2015-06-05 - 10:29 p

Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): Various reports revealed that "Abu Talha Al-Bahraini" who was killed in Aleppo in the ranks of the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) was born to a Yemeni father, who had been granted the Bahraini nationality a few years ago.

Extremist Mohammed Al-Binali who defected from the security apparatus in Bahrain, announced that the death of "Abu Talha" took place during battles in the northern suburbs of Aleppo, without mentioning the date of the incident.

Abu Talha used to study at Al-Hidaya Al Khalifa Secondary Boys School in Muharreq before starting to work in a security body, which wasn't specified, after failing in high school.

Al-Binali stated that Abu Talha used to receive a salary that amounts to 3,000 USD (approximately 1,100 BD) he; however, preferred to live in the land of Islam.
Most of the Bahrainis who were killed in the ranks of ISIS were members of the security bodies and pro-government Bahraini tribes or were recently naturalized. The authorities granted them Bahraini citizenships and job privileges, in an attempt to change the demographics of the country.

Last month, a Bahraini court sentenced the Bahraini human rights activist, Nabeel Rajab, to six months in prison over a tweet in which he stressed that the doctrine adopted by the Bahraini army is bringing about more extremists due to the spread of Takfiri (ISIS) thought inside the military institution.

The Arabic Issue 


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