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Sunni Endowment Calls on its Preachers to Reject Segregation and Prevent Bloodshed

2015-06-05 - 10:36 p

Bahrain Mirror: The chairman of the Sunni endowment (Waqf) Directorate, Salman bin Isa Al Khalifa, stressed on Tuesday (June 2, 2015) the importance of Friday prayer preachers' role in "forming a moderate thought (...) and adhering to Islam in order to prevent bloodshed and protect women's honor, reject segregation, consolidate unity and co-existence among all the classes of society in this period, in particular, which is full of challenges that threaten this unity and harmony."

Salman bin Isa said, during his meeting with the preachers of Sunni mosques in Manama and Muharreq, that a research was conducted about the Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh) in dealing with the new cases and variables in a way that serves the public interest and maintains the country's security and the safety of its people. The administration also called on the clerics and preachers to focus on the quality of their speeches and have them well-written.

The minister of information affairs has previously declared that the ministry of interior and Jaffaria Endowment Administration agreed on taking precautionary security measures, fearing of attacks after the two suicide bombings that targeted two Shiite mosques in Al-Qatif and Dammam in Saudi Arabia's Eastern Province.

The Arabic Issue


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