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Bahrain: New UK Maritime Component Command Complex Complete

2015-06-11 - 9:21 p

Bahrain Mirror: Bahrain's Akhbar al-Khaleej newspaper reported on Sunday (May 7, 2015) that the multi-million dinar headquarters to oversee the UK's counter-piracy and maritime anti-terrorism efforts in the Gulf is complete and will open next week. The new headquarters in located in Mina Salman Port, operated by US forces.

The BD 6.3 million constitutes Britain's largest maritime forces investment on foreign soil. The project comprises a new headquarters and an engineering and logistics facility. Construction of the complex began since May 2014.

The outgoing British ambassador to Bahrain Iain Lindsay said in an exclusive statement that "the facility was ready ahead of schedule," adding that "the regional headquarters of the Royal Navy will be opened on June 15. The Royal Navy oversees activity not in the Arabian Gulf but in the Gulf of Aden, Red Sea and Western Indian Ocean."

"Work on the first permanent British base in the region since 1971 is scheduled to start later in the summer. It is expected to accommodate Britain's aircraft carriers," Lindsay further stated, stressing that the work on the new base will commence under the supervision of Bahrain's Defence Force.

Lindsay declared that the base would add to the UK's already strong defence presence in the region, with military assets including Royal Air Force (RAF) Tornado aircraft, a remotely-piloted air system, Hercules transport aircraft, air-to-air refuelling and surveillance aircraft. He also said that around 800 UK personnel were supporting "Operation Shader", which is the code name for Britain's participation in the fight against the ISIS terrorist group, launched in August 2014.

The Arabic Issue 


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