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AP: Bahrain Arrests 5 Bombing Suspects Allegedly Linked to Iran

2015-08-14 - 7:53 p

AP: Bahrain's chief of police says five suspects with links to Iran have been arrested in connection with a bombing last month that killed two police and wounded six others.

Maj. Gen. Tariq al-Hassan says investigators have connected the suspects to Iran's Revolutionary Guard, as well as the Iranian-armed and funded Lebanese Hezbollah group.

The statement by Bahrain's Interior Ministry was carried by the state-run news agency Thursday. The July 28 bombing targeted a bus carrying policemen near a primary school south of the capital in an area called Sitra.

Bahrain has faced years of clashes between anti-government activists and police following widespread 2011 protests that were led by its Shiite majority calling for greater political rights from the Sunni-led monarchy.


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