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Larijani: Manama’s Allegations Are “Ridiculous”. The Country that Sent Tanks to Bahrain Is the One Interfering

2015-09-07 - 9:36 p

Bahrain Mirror: Iranian Shura Council (Parliament) Speaker, Dr. Ali Larijani, said that Manama's accusations against Tehran about being involved in a bomb blast that killed policemen are "Ridiculous".

In an interview with Al-Mayadeen TV Channel Larijani stressed that Iran "always calls for establishing friendly relations among countries. We have supported Iraqis; however, some countries, including Saudi Arabia, were not satisfied about that and they caused problems inside Iraq."

As for the allegations raised against Iran of being responsible for a bomb blast in Bahrain, Larijani said: "They are ridiculous allegations. The one who sent tanks to Bahrain is the one interfering, not Iran.'

Arabic Issue 


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