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King Hamad Issues 14 Urgent Decrees Including Restructuring Pension Benefits

2015-10-09 - 1:09 am

Bahrain Mirror: King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa issued on Wednesday (October 7, 2015) 14 decree-laws to deal with the current financial conditions and according to the constitution the legislative authority is not allowed to discuss these laws.

Bahrain News Agency (BNA) said the decree-laws aim at completing the economic legislative infrastructure in the kingdom so as to strengthen the economic atmosphere, merge some government departments to avoid duplication in government action, increase productivity and reduce expenses.

Concerning the economy, the King issued seven decree-laws for government development bonds, collecting the cost of establishing and developing the infrastructure in construction areas, amending provisions of decree-law on establishing and regulating industrial areas, amending some provisions of the Commercial Companies Law, amending the Civil and Commercial Procedures Act and amending some provisions of the Central Bank of Bahrain and Financial Institutions Law.

BNA added that "King Hamad also issued five decree-laws to regulate the government's work and avoid duplicity. They include decree-laws on transferring the responsibilities of the Supreme Council for Vocational Training to the Labour Fund (Tamkeen), terminating the General Organisation for Youth and Sports, amending some provisions of the law on establishing the Bahrain Exhibition and Convention Authority and incorporating the National Health Regulatory Authority into the Supreme Health Council."

The King also issued a decree-law on restructuring pension benefits on which executive edicts will be issued by the competent ministries and departments. He also issued a Royal Decree on establishing the Informatics and e-Government Authority. 

Arabic Issue 


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