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Bahraini MP: House of Bahraini Ambassador to Kuwait Costs Gov’t 3.5 Million BD

2015-10-28 - 11:58 p

Bahrain Mirror: Member of the Bahraini parliament, Khalid Al-Shaer, revealed that the Government of Bahrain paid 3.5 million BD as rent for the house of the country's ambassador to Kuwait, Khalifa bin Hamad Al Khalifa, and also paid massive amounts of money for two other members of the ruling Al Khalifa family working as Bahraini ambassadors in Cairo and Washington.

"The government pays 3.5 million BD for the residence of the Bahraini Ambassador to Kuwait, so that he could sleep comfortably on his bed, in addition to huge amounts of money for both of our ambassadors in Washington (Abdullah bin Mohammad bin Rashid Al Khalifa), and Egypt (Rashid bin Abdulrahman Al Khalifa), as well as 145,000 BD for modifying a building in New York.

The government pays all this money for embassies and many other things at the expense of the Bahraini citizens, while on the other hand lifts subsidies on meat products!," he further stated.

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