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Appeals Court: Bahraini Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison for Burning Tires

2016-04-15 - 5:31 p

Bahrain Mirror: The Supreme Appeals Court upheld the verdict issued against an appellant, convicted along with other suspects over charges of burning tires that caused a fire, sentencing him to three years in prison. This comes as a court of first instance sentenced 5 suspects to 15 years in prison and two others under 18 years of age (including the appellant) to 3.

The Public Prosecution had accused them of acquiring and using inflammable materials with a permit on August 16, 2013 for terrorist purposes. It also accused them of deliberately detonating explosives for terrorist purposes, setting fire to property owned by the Housing Ministry, endangering people's lives and properties, and joined an assembly of more than 5 persons, aiming at disturbing public security and using violence to achieve the aim they gathered for [...].

Since 2012, riot cases that go under the demonstrations and riot section of the penal code were adapted to apply to the terrorism law, if there were "terrorist" purposes behind them, such as attempted murder of a police officer, violating the provisions of law and endangering the lives of people and their properties, within the regime's framework of harshening penalties against protestors and activists.

Arabic Version


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