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Appeals Court Rules Against al-Wefaq’s Appeal, Approves its Dissolution, Assets Liquidation

2016-10-19 - 1:13 am

Bahrain Mirror: The Second High Civil Appeals Court approved (on September 22, 2016), the First Instance Court's ruling to dissolve al-Wefaq Society, liquidate its assets, and close its headquarters.

In the ruling text published in full in the Royal Court-affiliated al-Watan newspaper, the court decided not to accept [both] appeals "for not having capacity". The court clarified that the appeals were filed by two lawyers hired "by means of a power of attorney issued by Ali Salman Ahmad Salman; being the appellant society's Secretary General."

The court further believed that Sheikh Ali Salman, who is currently detained and sentenced to 9 years of prison by the appeal court, "has lost his status to represent the appellant society, since a final imprisonment sentence was ruled against him. This therefore strips him off his civil rights by law, and according to the appellant society's statute, waves his membership to it."

For the aforementioned reasons, and other mentioned in the detailed ruling text, the court ruled against the two appeals cases for not having the capacity.

The court also imposed the appellant pays the expenses of the case.

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