» Gulf

Sanaa Government Accuses Hadi Government of Opening New Battlefronts

2016-12-09 - 12:27 am

Bahrain Mirror: Sanaa's newly assigned Foreign Ministry accused the government of Yemeni president Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi and the Saudi-led coalition of opening news battlefronts. This comes at a time when the UN Special Envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed continues his efforts to end the conflict sweeping through Yemen for over 20 months.

The Foreign Ministry said in its statement, "Hadi's government sent additional troops to East Sanaa, the Western region of the country, and near Bab-el-Mandeb Strait", Reuters reported.

The statement addressed the UN Envoy saying that "before he blames the Sanaa party for previous and current negotiations, he ought to work on the basis of equal conduct between all parties of conflict in Yemen."

The agency further reported the statement indicating that "the international envoy was expected to force the militias and the Riyadh team into ceasefire initiatives and not temporary truce, and to [talk them into] returning to peace negotiations rather than military movements."

Moreover, the Sanaa statement indicated that the UN Envoy's stance regarding the Sanaa government formation was unfair and bias in dealing with the current situations. "[His stance] does not reflect the true image of the developments occurring after signing the Muscat principles in presence of US Foreign Minister John Kerry", the statement added.

The UN Envoy Ould Cheikh did not comment on the aforementioned statement, However, he had criticized in a post on the "Twitter" account the formation of the government by the Houthis and The General People's Congress, saying that this step is an "obstacle" in the path of returning to negotiations.

Furthermore, the Sanaa Foreign Ministry statement said, "The National Salvation Government and leadership, still reach out with peace and go forward towards a political solution, a just settlement, an end to aggression, and a lift of the land, naval, and aerial siege."

Meanwhile, President Hadi met last week with the UN Envoy and handed him his government's response to the peace plan.

The official Yemeni news agency said that the government's response confounds the road map in order to "correct the path and make successful the peace efforts."

Hadi rejected the proposed peace plan to end the conflict, and said it would only lead to more destruction and war.

The Houthis on their part agreed this month to the UN plan, which demands that they hand over their heavy weapons, and retrieve from major city, on the condition of participating in a unity government with Hadi.

However, the Houthis announced last week with their political allies, a formation of a new government in Sanaa.

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