» Gulf

Tehran: All Qatari Flights will Cross Iran’s Airspace

2017-06-07 - 2:42 am

Bahrain Mirror: An official at Iran Airports Company said that all flights performed by Qatari airlines will cross the Iranian airspace to travel to Africa and Europe.

The official told Mehr News Agency that the recent crisis between the Arab states made four states close their airspace in front of the Qatari airline, explaining that the only option left for Qatari flights would be to go across Iran's sky.

Majority of flights by airlines of Qatar heading to North Africa or Southern Europe used to pass through Saudi airspace then Egypt. However, after both countries closed their airspaces in front of Qatar, flights from Qatar need to pass through Iran, Iraq and Jordan before entering North Africa.

He continued saying that flights from Qatar to destinations in North and Central Europe and the North Atlantic region used to pass through the sky of Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq and Turkey while now they need to cross Iran's airspace and then that of Turkey before arriving in Europe.

The official announced that a total of 955 foreign flights per day range over Iran's airspace and the figure is likely to rise by 200 flights for Qatari airlines, which this will generate revenue for the country.

Arabic Version



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