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Saudi Newspaper: Saudi Women Training to Drive Expected to Increase In Bahrain

Saudi Women Training to Drive in Bahrain
Saudi Women Training to Drive in Bahrain

2017-09-30 - 2:31 am

Bahrain Mirror: Workers in the driving training sector in Bahrain expect to witness an increase in the number of Saudi women training to get a driving license in Bahrain, according to Saudi Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper. This comes after the Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz issued an order allowed women to drive.

"The Saudi woman training to drive, based on Bahrain rules, is subject to 22 hours of driving, that cost around $405. The decision represents a good opportunity for trainers of driving in Bahrain, which are around 640 trainers, among them 106 female trainer," the paper added.

Driving trainers in Bahrain, confirmed to the Saudi daily, that many Saudi women seeking to get driving license already booked their place as of the early hours after the Royal decision. However, women trainers in Bahrain confirmed that the number of Saudi women seeking training increased during holidays in the past period. Meanwhile, they expect that the demand will increase within the upcoming 10 months.

Arabic Version


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