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HR Defender Naji Fateel Attends His Daughter’s Wedding Handcuffed in Family Court

2018-07-02 - 9:14 p

Bahrain Mirror: Activist Ibtisam Al-Saegh said that imprisoned human rights defender Naji Fateel attended his daughter's (Ghadir) wedding on Monday (July 2, 2018) in the family court with his hands cuffed.

Fateel has already attended the wedding of his daughter, Alyaa, on April 19, 2018, as he was transferred to the Sharia court to attend the event.

Naji Fateel is serving 15-year jail term over taking part in "organization that aims at disabling the provisions of the constitution. Meanwhile, a court sentenced him to an additional prison term on the grounds of the Jaw prison incidents that took place in March 2015.

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