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MoI Arrests Ashura Obsequy Organizers after Protestors Wrote King’s Name on Street

2018-09-21 - 8:16 p

Bahrain Mirror: The security authorities arrested each of Mohammad Bu Hamid and Abdullah Bu Rashid, the organizers in Imam Al-Rida obsequy in Al-Malikiya village, and ordered their arrest for 15 days pending investigations over charge of "inciting hatred against the regime", according to activists.

The organizers' arrest came after a mourning procession wandered the village as it has always done on the ninth of Muharram, and after protestors wrote the king's name on the streets to be stepped on by mourners.

Although the charge of writing the king's name was not brought against the organizers, the authorities deemed them involved. Activists reported that the authorities asked the organizers to hand in those involved in writing the king's name.

Social media accounts said that the authorities threatened a mourning procession organizers in Karzakan village in case they don't change its way from Al-Malikiya's.

In the same context, activists reported this morning that the authorities arrested 9 youths from Al-Malikiya.

Arabic Version



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