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Bahrain Writer in Interview with Russia Today: We Don’t Need Permission to Normalise Relations with Israel

2018-10-30 - 8:58 p

Bahrain Mirror: Bahraini writer Abdullah Al-Junaid, whose close to the government, has sparked controversy after saying that his country will not ask for anyone's permission to establish direct and formal relations with Israel, reported the Middle East Monitor.

"If Bahrain finds its interest in this, it will not take permission from anyone," Al-Junaid said in an interview with Russia Today, adding that the Palestinians must return to what he described as "political reality". "Why do they not form political parties instead of armed fronts," he said.

Al-Junaid's statements sparked controversy on social media with one user saying Al-Junaid does not represent the Bahraini people.

Bahrain has recently supported Israel's right to self-defence, after Tel Aviv targeted "dozens of Iranian military positions in Syria". In return, Israel praised Manama's support and described it as "historic".

For its part, Israeli media reported late last year that Bahraini King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa opposes the Arab states' boycott of Israel and intends to allow citizens from his kingdom to visit Israel freely.

In December, last year a Bahraini delegation of more than 20 people visited the occupied city of Jerusalem.


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