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Gulf Air Board Directs to Reinstate Bahrainis

2018-11-03 - 6:37 p

Bahrain Mirror: The Board of Directors of Gulf Air has directed the executive management to reinstate all dismissed Bahraini to their jobs and conduct further structural studies to the company according to international standards for airlines. This came after an urgent meeting held on Thursday (November 1, 2018) to discuss the company management's decision to lay off a number of Bahraini employees and mull over all the potential options to safeguard the entitlements of Bahraini employees in the company.

Gulf Air announced on Wednesday (October 31, 2018) that it has laid off about 100 employees in the main branch only, confirming that its restructuring as it will eliminate certain job positions.

"With the restructuring of some jobs and the cancellation of some of them, it remains committed to protecting the Bahraini forces working in the company," the company said in a statement.

It said the number of job positions cut at the company's main branch was less than 100, held by foreigners and nationals alike, after clear procedures and communications were made with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the company's employee unions.

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