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General Secretariat of Arab parties Condemns Sheikh Ali Salman’s Sentence, Calls to Support People of Bahrain

2018-11-05 - 8:36 p

Bahrain Mirror: General Secretariat of the General Conference of the Arab parties issued a statement condemning the court of appeals verdict against Sheikh Ali Salman, one of the prominent opposition leaders.

The conference said in its statement "this political verdict is not based on any legal grounds, but comes in the context of the arbitrary measures taken by the repressive authorities of Bahrain against the opposition political leaders, who are still stuck to their demands for democratic change based on the principles of participation, justice and freedom of political activity as well as repeal of all the policies of racial discrimination practiced by the ruling authority against the people of Bahrain, who has maintained his peaceful movement for eight years, despite repression, murder, imprisonment, stripping of citizenships and attacking religious and national figures."

"We, in the General Secretariat of the General Conference of Arab Parties, declare our condemnation to this unjust ruling against a national figure and one of the most prominent opposition leaders. We announce that we stand next to his Eminence Sheikh Ali Salman, secretary general of Al-Wefaq Society and member of the General Secretariat of the General Conference of Arab Parties, and we call on the regime to reverse this political decision sentencing Sheikh Salman to a life term. We also call on international bodies, human rights committees and the UN authorities to exert all pressure on the regime to release all prisoners of conscience in Bahrain."

The secretariat also urged all parties and conferences to launch a broad solidarity campaign to support people of Bahrain, in order to help him achieve his legitimate demands and to lift all forms of oppression and injustice practiced by the regime and the Peninsula Shield Force led by Saudi Arabia against this people.

Arabic Version