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King Fahd Causeway Authority Announces Tender for Consultancy Services to New Saudi Bahrain Causeway

2018-11-12 - 8:21 p

Bahrain Mirror: General Director of King Fahd Causeway Fahd Al-Dawoud said that the institution intends to issue a tender for the transitional phase of the new causeway which will link Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

The project includes a road for vehicles and railway lines, noting that King Fahd Causeway Authority will be the financial and technical supervisor of the project.

Al-Dawoud explained that the project includes advisory services for the transitional phase that comprises the development of an appropriate public-private partnership structure, as well as the final financial feasibility study, the necessary legal framework, and the initial technical designs and specifications, in line with the visions and plans and national strategies in the field of transportation and logistics services in the two kingdoms.

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