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HRW: Bahrain is Emboldened to Take Human Rights Abuse Beyond Its Borders with Respect to Hakeem Al-Araibi’s Case

2019-02-07 - 8:18 p

Bahrain Mirror: Human Rights Watch said that when the Bahraini government claimed there would be no threat to Hakeem Al-Araibi's life if the refugee footballer were extradited to his home country - citing the integrity of the kingdom's judicial system - it would have been laughable were it not so tragic, adding that Bahrain is emboldened to take human rights abuse beyond its borders.

The organization considered that Al-Araibi was wrongly detained in Thailand for over two months. Human Rights Watch and other groups have documented systematic and widespread abuse by security officers against detainees in Bahrain, particularly during interrogation.

The ill-treatment Al-Araibi said he was subjected to at the hands of the Bahraini authorities after his arrest in 2012 is in line with the abuses the organization documented with other detainees in Bahrain.

The organization ended its statement saying "despite Bahrain's atrocious human rights record, its allies have not used their influence to press for improvements, emboldening the Bahraini government to take its abuses beyond its borders."

Human Rights Watch called the international community, including Australia, to make it clear to Bahrain that it cannot get away with torturing and silencing everyone who courageously speaks out against abuses. Thailand should under no circumstances extradite Al-Araibi to Bahrain, and should release him immediately.

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