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King Hamad Pardons 901 Inmates

2020-03-13 - 8:46 p

Bahrain Mirror: King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa issued a royal decree pardoning 901 inmates for humanitarian reasons, in the backdrop of the current circumstances.

Interior Minister Rashid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa pointed out that the thorough study took into consideration the provisions of the law and principles of international human rights agreements, taking into account the fact that inmates are young people and patients who need special care.

It announced that the deportation provisions which were issued against foreigners whose remaining are being implemented so that they will serve the remaining prison sentence in their countries.

The Ministry of Interior announced that the law on alternative penalties would be implemented on 585 inmates who served half their jail terms, in compliance with the royal directives to competent authorities to expand the implementation of the law on non-custodial penalties.

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