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Mohammad Al-Arab Files Lawsuit against Abdullah Hashem after He Called him to "Fall in Ash Heap of History"

2021-03-25 - 6:55 p

Bahrain Mirror: Former Al-Arabiya reporter, Iraqi Mohammad Al-Arab, filed a complaint against lawyer Abdullah Hashem. Hashem announced via his Twitter account that Al-Arab filed a complaint against him on Tuesday (March 24, 2021) over a tweet that dates back to March 11.

The tweet read "Falling in the ash heap of history needs no justification. Know for certain that we have predicted your end since 2011. There are three others waiting for their turn, reserve seats for them." Hashem was responding to Al-Arab's announcement that he had been injured during his biased coverage of the war in Yemen.

"We have to remind him that those who stand against the people cannot be forgiven and that those who enter public work have to tolerate it and not feel embarrassed in the face of criticism," Hashem commented on the lawsuit, adding that "this is a long battle".

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