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Sheikh Abduljalil Al-Moqdad Raises Alarm: I am being Neglected to an extent of Torture

2021-06-12 - 6:37 am

Bahrain Mirror: Detained prominent cleric Sheikh Abduljalil Al-Moqdad raised alarm over his health, holding the authorities responsible for what is happening to him.

Despite his long suffering, this is the first time Sheikh Abduljalil, 61, complains about his health deterioration.

He said that he is being neglected to an extent of torture and that he holds the prison administration responsible for anything that happens to him.  

Sheikh Al-Moqdad is serving a 15-year jail term over taking part in leading popular protests in February 2011.

Information reveals that he suffers from a severe head pain that hinders him from moving, sleeping and talking.

The prison administration deprives political detainees of treatment as a punitive measure.

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