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Hundreds Protest at End of Martyr Barakat Funeral Ritual

2021-06-14 - 4:44 p

Bahrain Mirror: Hundreds of citizens staged a protest in Al-Daih on Saturday (June 12, 2021) at the end of martyr Hussein Barakat's funeral ritual and chanted slogans demanding the release of political prisoners.

Protestors held the king responsible for the deterioration of human rights situation and conditions in prisons.

The authorities arrested about 4000 citizens after they crushed the 2011 popular protests.

Hussein Barakat died due to Coronavirus complications, which broke out inside Jaw Central Prison.

Protestors held photos of martyr Barakat and called on the government to unconditionally release political prisoners.

Deputy Chief of Public Security said that "some mourners went in an illegal march towards the cemetery to mark the "end of the funeral" ritual. The police applied the legal regulations for such situations and ordered them to disperse."

Another protest was staged at night. Protestors held candles and photos of the martyr and reiterated their demands to release prisoners. 

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