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Ayatollah Qassim Highlights Mr. Mushaima's Concerning Situation: He Needs Special Medical Care

Bahraini activist Ali Mushaima demands his father's right to treatment (Archive)
Bahraini activist Ali Mushaima demands his father's right to treatment (Archive)

2021-06-17 - 10:42 p

Bahrain Mirror: Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim said that the health condition of imprisoned Secretary-General of Haq Movement, Mr. Hasan Mushaima, has worsened, and that since he's "under their responsibility, they should give him special medical care."

"According to the information I received on the health condition of Mr. Hasan Mushaima, after receiving some treatment, his condition has not improved, but rather worsened, so those who are responsible for him should give him special treatment. However, what is right is to have Him, [political] symbols and prisoners of political opinion out of prison," stated Ayatollah Qassim via his account on Twitter.

Ali Mushaima, Mr. Hasan's son, had tweeted two days ago, saying: "Two weeks have passed since my father, Mr. Hasan Mushaima, has been alone in an isolated prison [cell] battling his pain, without being given serious treatment. It saddened me to hear him say today that the pain in his feet and leg intensified and extended to his thigh, and that he has become almost incapable of movement, to the point where he feels dizzy from the pain.

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