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More than 100 British Academics Stand in Solidarity with Detained Academic Abduljalil Al-Singace

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2021-08-10 - 4:06 am

Bahrain Mirror: More than 100 academics signed an open letter in solidarity with detained Bahraini academic Dr. Abduljalil Al-Singace and demanded the Bahraini authorities to stop the humiliating treatment against him and return his researches that were confiscated by the security authorities.

101 British academics, indicated that Al-Singace, 59, suffers from post-polio syndrome and is now in hospital nearly four weeks after the hunger strike. Al-Singace has lost more than 10 kilograms and suffers from low blood sugar level.

They described the confiscation of his researches as a cruel and unjust punishment. Meanwhile, Dr. Mccall-smith said that the persecution and ill-treatment of Dr. Al-Singace must stop and demanded his immediate and unconditional release.

Among the signatories were 60 lecturers from the University of Manchester, where Dr. Al-Signave studied his PhD. They stressed that Al-Signace should not put his life at risk in order to secure his fundamental rights and restore his intellectual property.

Dr. Brian Dooley, visiting scholar at the University College London, said "there is zero excuse for this vindictiveness, for denying Al-Singace proper medical care, for taking away his academic research and for trying to humiliate him."

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