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Yusuf Al-Jamri to Bahrain Mirror: Company that Provided Bahrain with Spyware to be Sued

2021-08-25 - 2:27 am

Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): Media activist Yusuf Al-Jamri said that there is a move to sue Israel's NSO Company in the UK. This comes after Citizen Lab issued a report revealing Bahraini government spying on activists' phones.

Al-Jamri told Bahrain Mirror that it is clear that the authority in Bahrain is living in a state of worry which made it persecute activists. "This (behavior) reflects it distrust in its political approach," said Al-Jamri, who lives in Britain.

As for the reasons which prompted the official authorities in Bahrain to monitor him, he said "I don't know exactly the reasons that made the authorities do this, but I think there is concern about any voice that might affect the Bahraini arena," Al-Jamri said.

He added "What I post on Twitter, along with what others are posting, may contribute to discrediting the official media and the press in the country, and this may annoy them."

He confirmed that there is a move to prosecute the responsible company in the UK judiciary and this would be announced later. 

Regarding the damage this hack caused, Al-Jamri said "Most activists have prepared themselves to face these hackings (...) However, this will not prevent damage, but may contribute to its reduction," adding that "in any case, this will not stop us from continuing in what we believe in. The cause is just and the people will proceed in their sacrifices."

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