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Sheikh Al-Daihi to Ambassador Yousef Al-Jalahma: You Only Represent Yourself and who Sent You

2021-09-02 - 3:07 am

Bahrain Mirror: Deputy Secretary of Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, Bahrain's largest opposition society, said that ambassador Khaled Yousef Al-Jalahma, Bahrain's first ambassador to the capital of the occupation entity, represents only himself and those who sent him.

He arrived yesterday in the capital of the entity with his wife.

"We say to Al-Jalahma, you represent yourself and who sent you only and do not represent Bahrain," Sheikh Al-Daihi wrote via his Twitter account.

He stressed that the people of Bahrain disown Al-Jalahma and deny his legitimacy. Bahrainis also denounce and reject the occupation's legitimacy "which Bahrainis did not and will not recognize until the end of this occupation".

Al-Daihi confirmed that "Bahrain will remain by the Palestinians side" and that normalization is a "treason and shame".

Bahrain announced at the end of March the appointment of Al-Jalahama as ambassador to Tel Aviv. 

On May 29, Al-Jalahma took the legal oath before Bahraini King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.

On March 30, the King of Bahrain issued a decree establishing a diplomatic mission for his country in Tel Aviv.

Al-Jalahmah has been the Director of Operations at the Bahraini Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 2017, and served as the Kingdom's deputy ambassador to the United States (2009-2013).

With his arrival, Al-Jalahma will become the fourth Arab ambassador in Tel Aviv, after the ambassadors of Egypt, Jordan and the UAE.

In mid-January, Israel appointed Itai Tagner as Chargé d'Affairs for the Israeli Embassy in Manama.

In September 2020, Israel and Bahrain signed an agreement to normalize relations between the two countries.

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