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Israeli Ambassador to Bahrain in Rare Public Dialogue with Defense Minister of Largest Muslim Country

2021-11-21 - 7:24 p

Bahrain Mirror: Israeli Ambassador to Bahrain Itai Tagner held a conversation with Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto on the sidelines of the Manama Dialogue Conference, which Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper described as an unusual meeting.

"Tigner's conversation with the defense minister of the largest Muslim country was documented, despite the absence of official relations between the two countries," the Israeli newspaper said on its website.

It added that it was an "extraordinary meeting, especially considering that for many years there has not been a public meeting between representatives of the two countries, and certainly not at this high level."

The newspaper pointed out that the "official policy" between Indonesia and Israel is to "ignore" or not establish official relations, but added that there are trade relations between the two countries through many indirect channels.

According to the newspaper, 40,000 Indonesian tourists and businessmen visited Israel in the year before the epidemic.

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