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BFHR: 655 Violations against Children in Bahrain during Past 3 Years

2021-11-22 - 2:23 am

Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): Bahrain Forum for Human Rights sent statistics to Bahrain Mirror on the International Children's Day that show part of the vast violations political authorities have practiced against children for political reasons, since the onset of 2018 until June 2021.

A BFHR official said that during the past one and a half year, particularly from January 1, 2020 until June 30, 2021, children security summonses reached 15 cases.

He added that the total violations practiced against children during that period is 655.

The violations were as following; 15 summonses, 51 enforced disappearances, 322 arrests, 93 arbitrary verdicts and 87 violations in prisons, distributed as the following; 8 torture cases, 57 ill-treatment, 7 cases of treatment denial and 15 cases of education denial.

It is noteworthy mentioning that young political detainees in Dry dock Prison are currently on hunger strike to protest the poor conditions inside the prison, particularly inhuman treatment and medical negligence of sick prisoners.

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