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Protests Marking 40 Days after Martyrdom of Qambar, Denouncing Normalization and Demanding Release of Prisoners

2021-12-06 - 7:23 am

Bahrain Mirror: Protests were staged yesterday in Al-Markh, Nuwaidrat and Damistan, to denounce normalization with the Israeli entity, demand the release of political prisoners and stress on the continuity of martyrs path.

Al-Markh residents demanded the immediate release of political prisoners, stressing their solidarity with the people of Palestine and their absolute rejection of normalization with the occupation.

Citizens of Nuwaidrat marched the village's streets marking the 40 days after the martyrdom of Ali Qambar who passed away due to a disease he developed during his imprisonment at the Interior Ministry prisons. 

In Damistan, citizens continued their demonstrations demanding the unconditional release of political prisoners in Bahrain.

Bahraini people always express their rejection of normalization with "Israel" through peaceful demonstrations that roam the streets, and affirm their stand with the Palestinian people against the occupation, and their rejection of the presence of an Israeli ambassador in Bahrain.

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