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British MPs Discuss Gov't Support for Bahraini Agencies Accused of HR Violations

2022-01-12 - 10:39 p

Bahrain Mirror: British MPs are discussing the issue of the UK government's support, through taxpayers—activities and funds belonging to the Bahrain regime accused of human rights violations.

A report said "For far too long, the United Kingdom has chosen to turn a blind eye to widespread human rights abuses in Bahrain, while at the same time sending millions of pounds of UK taxpayers money to the Gulf state to help it reform."

British politicians blame their government for not taking into account the reality, especially with no real evidence of such reform, "as more than a decade on from the Arab Spring uprising, Bahrain's jails are still full of political prisoners, many of who have been tortured, and some of who are awaiting execution."

Sayed Ahmed Al-Wadaei, director of Bird, said there needs to be much more clarity about the UK's role in funding and supporting "violent institutions in Bahrain who are notorious for criminalizing those who dream of democracy in their country".

"Political prisoners in Bahrain have endured over a decade of severe injustices, from unspeakable torture and inhumane prison conditions to systematic denial of medical treatment," Al-Wadaei told MEE.

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