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Al-Wefaq Calls for Releasing Detainee Mohammad Al-Raml

2023-07-13 - 12:34 p

Bahrain Mirror: The Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society called on the Bahraini authorities to release detainee Mohammad Hasan Al-Raml, 63, whose family is sounding alarm over his deteriorating health condition. The society denounced "the Ministry of Interior's failure to investigate the circumstances of the death of prisoner of conscience Mohammad Abdullah Hasan Yaackoub (Al-A'ali) and the cases of medical negligence that led to the death of the victims," noting that "the lives of victims of medical negligence are worth nothing to the government."

Al-Wefaq stressed in a statement that "Al-Raml has been on hunger strike since June, 16, protesting the ongoing denial of medical treatment. However, he is being ignored by the Jaw Prison administration."

The society stressed that the deliberate medical negligence of Bahrain's prisoners of conscience has become a means of retaliation by the authorities, especially in light of the failure of the concerned rights watchdogs to take even formal measures, which indicates a deliberate liquidation policy.

Al-Wefaq confirmed in another statement on the case of martyr detainee of conscience Mohammad Al-A'ali, that "his death is caused by the medical negligence he was subjected to in Jaw prison after his health deteriorated due to complications of the disease."

It denounced the Interior Ministry's failure to investigate the circumstances of his death. "The ministry did not even investigate any of the cases of medical negligence that led to the death of the victims," it said, noting that "the Interior Ministry didn't hold any of the security personnel accountable."

Al-Wefaq said: "The authority does not sacrifice one of its members even in a sham way, does not issue any statement even for media purposes, does not reassure the families of the victims, but rather threatens and summonses them, which indicates a hierarchical methodology in force that leads various officials in the government in a common way." 

"This methodology indicates a great disregard for the lives of the detainees, as if their lives are worth nothing to the government, and they do not deserve that it knows the circumstances of their deaths, as well as to compensate their grieving families." 

Al-Wefaq said that "this methodology raises questions about the government's commitment to the most basic human rights standards, and the value of its citizens in its faith," wondering "When will this government learn proper decency in dealing with citizens?"

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