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Bahrain Scholars Call for Avoiding Tensions, Disputes that Weaken Ashura Commemoration

2023-07-20 - 6:28 p

Bahrain Mirror: Bahrain's scholars called for "Avoiding tensions and disputes, through platforms, processions and other practices, that would could weaken Ashura commemoration."

The scholars urged in a statement issued on Wednesday, July 19, 2023, marking the beginning of the Ashura season, "being present and attending the Husseiniya ceremonies in their various aspects, whether at the level of Husseiniya mourning gatherings (Majalis), as well as various other Ashura programs and events." They called on religious scholars and all groups and segments of society to "have a distinguished and effective presence in these Majalis."

Meanwhile, they stressed that "the commemoration should be consistent in form and content with the objectives of the Husseini revolution and the principles and values of true Islam." They also called on all faithful youths to "preserve the sanctity of the Ashura season and avoid any practice that harms the season, weakens it or distorts it."

They further stressed "the importance of working towards making Ashura a blessed season of rapprochement, love and harmony within the framework of the slogan, 'Hussein Unites Us,'" adding that the season and its Husseiniya atmosphere should be an entry point to address the differences, sensitivities and disputes that may exist."

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