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Al-Wefaq on Independence Anniversary: People of Bahrain will Not Hand over their Land to Zionists, Foreign Powers

2023-08-15 - 7:15 p

Bahrain Mirror: Al-Wefaq Society stressed that "the people of Bahrain and their political, societal and vital forces, do not falter or hesitate. They identify with their Islam and Arabism, and will not hand over the land of Bahrain to the Zionists and foreign powers, and will not accept tampering with its Islamic and Arab identity in any way."

Al-Wefaq said in a statement marking the 51st anniversary of national independence that "the existing political system has turned into an absolute monarchy, contrary to popular insistence since independence until today to democratic rule based on popular sovereignty and peaceful rotation of power."

It pointed out that "the authority is rushing to sell Bahrain's independence to foreign powers and buy their satisfaction with money, and offers the country easily for the Zionists and colonial countries by handing over the country, its decision, sensitive information and the privacy of its people, in order to whitewash the black human rights file, and to obtain the illusory protection."

Meanwhile, Al-Wefaq denounced "the steps of accelerating fall into the arms of Zionists and international players." It stressed that "this is against the national consensus" and that "Bahrain does not represent a number in such alliances, but rather a follower for use only and a source of collection of funds and payment of bills."

Al-Wefaq noted that "the indicators of dependency and the sale of Bahrain's independence were blatantly represented in the cultural normalization, changing educational curricula, selling lands in different areas to the Zionists, frantic purchasing of weapons and equipment manufactured in the Zionist entity, and the arrest of the scholar Sheikh Mohammad Sanqour because of his condemnation of normalization," considering that "all of these are dangerous indicators on handing over Bahrain and its capabilities and decision to the Zionists and foreign powers."

Al-Wefaq called on the authorities to "return to the nation's embrace, or let it be a confrontation with the people of Bahrain and their resistance, and their categorical and principled rejection of selling out the country, and of normalization projects with the enemy of the nation, as well as its act of refraining from approving their legitimacy for life. All of this is deemed a betrayal against the people, the religion of Islam, and their Arab identity."

Arabic Version