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Health of Hunger-Striker Detainees Deteriorates, Protests in Berlin and London in Solidarity with Them

2023-08-19 - 1:41 p

Bahrain Mirror: The health condition of a number of political prisoners in "Jaw" central prison who are on hunger strike has deteriorated, as detainee Jaafar Naji Ramadan faces high risk of death after his blood sugar reached 1.6. Meanwhile, 60-year-old detainee Mohammad Hasan Al-Raml was transferred to the military hospital, and detainees Hussein Ahmed Al-Safi and Mohammad Ali Rida Hubail fainted due to their hunger strike. 

Hunger-striking detainees began knocking on the doors of cells in Jaw Prison, in a protest movement against the prison administration and the Ministry of Interior ignoring their demands. 

In the same context, 13 human rights organizations sent a letter to the First Deputy Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs at the US Department of State, Henry Wooster, expressing "grave concern for the life of Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja, a 62-year-old prominent Bahraini-Danish human rights defender who is currently on a hunger strike to protest his unjust imprisonment and the continued denial of urgent medical care he has been subjected to while detained."

The organizations, including "Front Line Defenders" and "Human Rights Watch", urged the US government to press the Bahraini authorities for his immediate and unconditional release.

Bahraini activists staged a sit-in in front of Bahrain's embassy in Berlin in solidarity with prisoners of conscience on hunger strike in Jaw prison, including opposition figures. 

During another sit-in in front of the Bahraini embassy in London, Ali Mushaima, son of detained figure Hasan Mushaima, called on the Bahraini authorities to grant the detainees their freedom as well as their human rights such as treatment, stressing that the sit-in "is a first step that will be followed by escalatory steps in the coming days."

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