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Jaw Prison Detainees Commend Palestinian Prisoners' Hunger Strike: Our Dignity Won't be Trampled on, We Want Free Islamic Nation

2023-08-21 - 4:30 p

Bahrain Mirror: Political prisoners on hunger strike in Bahrain's Jaw Central Prison commended the Palestinian prisoners for going on a similar strike "championing their dignity," highlighting that the joint strike is because they do not accept their dignity to be trampled upon, and that they want the Islamic nation to be free and unrestricted by the control of the arrogant.

The hunger strike committee saluted, in a statement: "the Palestinian imprisoned brothers' entry in an open hunger strike in act championing their dignity, which the jailer is attempting to crush," announcing that "the detainees send them salutations from behind the bars of Bahraini prisons, the land whose people have always loved Palestine, and stood with it throughout its history."

The committee addressed the Palestinian prisoners by saying: "You and we went to prison because we want the Islamic nation to be free and not constrained by the control of the arrogant. You and we went on an open hunger strike because we do not accept our dignity to be trampled on even if we are at the mercy of jailers and executioners."

The committee stressed that "the Zionists and the Al Khalifa regime are two sides of the same coin in their treatment of prisoners, using malice, revenge, abuse, etc." "Don't you see that they have normalized relations with each other, birds of a feather flock together."

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