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Policeman Hits Detainee in Jaw Prison while Transferring him to Prison's Infirmary

2023-08-21 - 4:41 p

Bahrain Mirror: Ali Salman, a political detainee on hunger strike at Jaw Central Prison, revealed that a policeman in the prison slapped him on his face and strangled him.

Salman confirmed in an audio recording that while he was being transferred on Wednesday, August 16, 2023, to the prison's infirmary due to low blood sugar as a result of his hunger strike, a policeman named "Saddam" took him away from the cameras near the infirmary, slapped him on his face twice, and strangled him. 

The detainee stressed that what the policeman did to him "is a small part of the systematic mistreatment against us as detainees, which is hidden by the media and the Ombudsman that has no credibility."

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