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Political Detainee Ahmad Jaafar Chained in Solitary Confinement, Subjected to Torture and Insults

2023-08-21 - 5:11 p

Bagrain Mirror: The director of the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD), Sayed Ahmed Al-Wadaei, revealed horrific details about the torture political detainee Ahmad Jaafar, who is in solitary confinement and on hunger strike, is being subjected to.

Al-Wadaei quoted a political detainee who was with Jaafar in solitary confinement as saying that the latter is in a very cold room and is in a "bad" condition. He is "very tired" and is still on hunger strike, although he suffers from osteoporosis.

He stressed that the chains and shackles are still on Jaafar's hands and body, which makes it difficult for him to even pray, noting that "Captain Youssef" insulted him. 

Al-Wadaei quoted another detainee as saying that Officer Fakhro and policeman Hameed Farraj bet Jaafar while he was in the outdoor yard, sprayed pepper spray in his eyes, and insulted him by cursing and insulting his doctrine. 

Jaafar was also beaten while being transported on the bus with his hands and legs tied.

Ahmed Jaafar, 49, sentenced to more than 64 years in prison in several cases, was forcibly deported from his territory in 2023 and extradited to Bahrain despite a European Court decision not to deport him. 

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