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Sheikh Sanqour: Prisoners' Cause still Pending Although It's Pure Humanitarian

2023-08-27 - 12:40 p

Bahrain Mirror: The Friday preacher of the Imam Sadiq Mosque in Diraz, west of the capital Manama, Sheikh Mohammad Sanqour, said that "the prisoners' cause is still a pending issue, despite the fact that it is a purely humanitarian cause," hoping that "it is addressed as the homeland deserves that we strive to take the path that'll overcome its pain and that of its people."

Sheikh Sanqour added, in his Friday sermon on August 25, 2023, that "the prisoners' cause and putting an end to their suffering is still a pending issue, despite the fact that it is one of the most straight forward and urgent issues of conscience, as it is a purely humanitarian cause that is not flawed by politics or security affairs. It is indeed a humanitarian issue in its motives, core and consequences."

Sheikh Sanqour called for "taking action in addressing this issue from the standpoint of it being of humanitarian nature," saying: "This is what we hope and pray that the Almighty Allah will help us succeed in reaching, as the homeland deserves that we strive to take the path that'll overcome its pain and that of its people, and that everyone enjoys prosperity and stability."

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