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Jaw Prison Officer to Detainee Mansour Khalaf after Subjecting to Sexual Harassment: We Earn Reward from God because You're Rafidi

2023-08-30 - 2:31 p

Bahrain Mirror: Mansour Khalaf, a political detainee in Jaw Central Prison, who is on hunger strike, was sexually harassed and his Shiite sect was insulted because he demanded his right to receive treatment for several diseases. 

"During the security procedures for my transfer to the military hospital on August 14, 2023, I was subjected to a provocative and humiliating examination invoking my clothes and body, and groping my private organs," Khalaf said in an audio recording, adding that "when I protested against this, prison officer Mohammed Al-Sheikh told me: "We earn a reward for that deed [from God] because you are Rafidi (derogatory term used against Shiites)".

Khalaf added that "on August 25, 2023, I demanded to provide me treatment for my cholesterol and stomach, and the same officer told me: "You are publishing news about us in the media that we are unjust," and threatened me, so I demanded treatment again, but he said he would meet my demand under the condition of ending my hunger strike. I refused to end my strike, so he wrote a statement against me, telling me: "Currently there too much (medical appointments) and until this pressure decreases, we will transfer you to solitary confinement for a week."

 Detainee Khalaf confirmed that he was harassed and insulted only for demanding treatment, refusing to be transferred to the military hospital "through humiliating inspection," noting that "what happened to detainee Mohammad Hasan Al-Najjar in the military hospital is happening to all of us as political detainees," stressing that he will continue his hunger strike.

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