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Al-Wefaq Welcomes Visit of United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Stresses Readiness to Contribute to National Rescue Plan

2023-09-14 - 8:12 p

Bahrain Mirror: Al-Wefaq Society welcomed the visit of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to Bahrain, stressing that "the visit comes in light of difficult humanitarian, human rights and political conditions after the lack of trust and the absence of a social contract between the ruler and the ruled."

Al-Wefaq called on, in a statement on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, the delegation to "play an influential role in resolving the urgent outstanding issues."

The society called on the authorities to "work seriously to immediately stop all human rights violations, abuses and crimes that have not stopped since March 2011 in various forms, especially the issues of marginalization, suppression, political isolation, discrimination, torture, arrests, political trials and absence of freedom."

It said that "the authorities must follow a policy of dialogue to resolve outstanding issues and files, especially in political, human rights and societal files, and the need to take into account sectarian diversity and political pluralism in Bahrain," noting that "As a result of the authorities' rejection of dialogue, there was a lack of trust and collapse of the social contract, turning the country into the highest levels of separation and distancing."

Al-Wefaq called for "working to reformulate laws and legislation in line with the development of freedoms, respect for human rights, coexistence and participation, after the complete tampering with most legislation and laws, which turned it into the guarantor and protector of the practice of violations, tyranny, authoritarianism and dictatorship, and turning the Kingdom into the worst political experiences of slavery."

It stressed the necessity to "implement the recommendations of the periodic review of Bahrain's file at the Human Rights Council and the need to transform local human rights bodies into independent bodies with an impartial decision away from full and absolute government influence."

Al-Wefaq called on the authorities to "empty prisons and release all political prisoners, meet with prisoners in prisons to listen to their suffering and difficult conditions, and meet with detained political figures."

Al-Wefaq society affirmed its "full and serious readiness to engage in a dialogue and to contribute to a national rescue plan to address all the repercussions of the stifling crisis," urging that "it be a serious plan aimed at overcoming the crisis and formulating a political process that aligns with the requirements of democratic transition, building a state of institutions, popular participation and political reform in all authorities." Al-Wefaq went on to say that this "provides citizens with all their political, human and cultural rights, also offering political pluralism and social justice."

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