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Ayatollah Qassim: Al-Aqsa Flood Serves as a Lesson to All Governments Normalizing Relations with Israel

2023-10-10 - 6:19 p

Bahrain Mirror: Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim emphasized that the "Al-Aqsa Flood" operation carried out by Palestinian resistance serves as a "lesson to governments that have normalized ties" with the occupying entity. He stated that it is now impossible to have respect for normalization or those advocating it. He viewed the "Al-Aqsa Flood" as a torpedo to the beliefs of weakness, the notion that victory is unattainable, and the idea that the nation lacks the ability to confront the enemy, all while the call for normalization is accompanied by fictitious claims.

In a statement on Monday, December 9, 2023, he described the "Al-Aqsa Flood" as a humiliation, disgrace, and scandal for the temporary state of Israel. He viewed Israel as fighting against God and His messengers, seeking to spread corruption. This operation, in his view, was a sufficient lesson to shatter their ego and lead them to sincerely reflect on the impending flood that will, God willing, erase their existence.

Sheikh Qassim pointed out that the "Al-Aqsa Flood" offers a lesson to all governments that have normalized relations, making Muslims regret their deviation from God and the faithful community, choosing instead to align themselves with a false god who has proven to be powerless in the face of courageous individuals from their own nation.

He emphasized that the third lesson from this destructive event for the faithful nation is to receive it with awareness and determination. This entails understanding that the only thing standing between them and overwhelming victory is uniting under one banner-the banner of faith-to return Palestine while relying on God.

Furthermore, Sheikh Qassim noted that the "Al-Aqsa Flood" represents a rare lesson in boldness, courage, unwavering determination, meticulous planning, strong faith in the rightful cause, and the restoration of pride and honor. He underlined that the Palestinians, inspired by their deep sense of Islam and fervent faith, proudly delivered this lesson to the world.

Sheikh Qassim made it clear that there is no room for feelings of weakness or respect for normalization anymore. He called for the nation's confidence in victory to grow, its determination to defeat the enemy to intensify, and its unity on this path to be unwavering.

He highlighted the achievements of the "Al-Aqsa Flood," including breaking the Israeli enemy's ego and dispelling the illusion that the Israeli army is invincible. He expressed the sincere hope that the Great Flood will inevitably come to sweep the Israeli presence from Islamic lands.

Moreover, he noted that those who normalized relations with Israel now regret their actions and ignorance when they opposed their own nation and peoples, abandoning their faith to seek refuge with America and Israel until they witnessed the unstoppable flood caused by the courageous sons of their nation.

Sheikh Qassim drew attention to the fact that the resolute actions of Palestinian brothers had humbled the Israelis and defeated them. He concluded by stating that it is now impossible to believe in the weakness of the nation, the absence of reasons for victory, the inability to confront the enemy, or the necessity of normalization, as all these false claims were debunked by the "Al-Aqsa Flood."

He dismissed the Israeli reaction to remote airstrikes as lacking courage, bravery, or true power, emphasizing that it does not involve the courage to face death and confront the strength of brave individuals.

Arabic Version