Prudent Choices for Riyadh, Ill-Considered Military Ventures for Manama

2023-10-12 - 12:15 p

Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): In the wake of the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, it's only natural for observers to ponder the most beneficial path for Saudi Arabia. Is it the pursuit of normalization with an occupying entity that now appears far more vulnerable than initially perceived, or would it be wiser to rebuild relations with a well-established nation boasting significant influence and steadfast alliances extending from Yemen and Iraq through Syria and Lebanon, all the way to Palestine?

Saudi Arabia's decision and its success in pacifying and normalizing relations with Iran can be confirmed. Had the region been further engulfed in conflict and war between the occupying entity and the forces of resistance, Saudi Arabia could have found itself in a secure and advantageous position, reestablishing its connections with honor and independence within the axis of resistance leadership.

On the other hand, some nations, like the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, have erred in their pursuit of normalization, subsequently losing not only their bet but also the support of the Palestinian people and their global sympathizers due to their biased stance in favor of Israel against the Palestinians.

The regime in Bahrain chose to gamble on the extension of time and engaged in a discordant role, adding to regional tensions rather than alleviating them. As a result, its relations with Sana'a, Tehran, Doha, Baghdad, and Beirut have soured. This all the while Bahrain is the most fragile and financially challenged among the parties involved.

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