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Al-Asalah and Al-Menbar Societies Fiercely Condemn Declared War of Eradication on Gaza Strip

2023-10-12 - 2:17 p

Bahrain Mirror: The Al-Asalah Islamic Society and Al-Menbar Islamic Society strongly condemned the "declared war of eradication on the Gaza Strip."

The two societies called, in a joint statement on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, for "taking immediate action in support of the wounded Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and other occupied Palestinian territories,  and stopping the horrific war crimes committed in Gaza, where entire neighborhoods are wiped out amid systematic and premeditated killing of civilians."

The two societies stressed that "the Palestinians are paying the price for the world's failure to support them and for defending themselves, their occupied territories and the sanctities of Muslims, which is guaranteed by all international laws."

They recalled that "the aggressions of the usurping Zionist entity have not stopped for decades to violate Al-Aqsa Mosque, properties and lives despite all the alleged claims of peace."

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