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Sayed Al-Ghuraifi Questions Authorities' Response to Insult directed at Imam Al-Mahdi

2023-11-13 - 12:54 p

Bahrain Mirror: Sayed Abdullah Al-Ghuraifi responded to the insult directed by a normalizer at the Shia twelveth Imam Mahdi (AJ), expressing that the offender "boldly expresses animosity towards the Imam's doctrine, uttering derogatory remarks about a significant community in Bahrain."

Al-Ghuraifi, in his Friday sermon at the Imam Al-Sadiq Mosque in Al-Gufoul, pondered, "How will official authorities address such interference with the unity of this people and an unwavering belief shared by all Muslims? What action will be taken against someone who disparages a sect and meddles with one of the most deeply rooted beliefs-not just among Shiites but among all Muslims?"

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