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Ibrahim Sharif: Boycotting Companies Complicit with Occupation Has Tremendous Effects

2023-11-20 - 11:55 p

Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini Society Against Normalization with Zionist Enemy held a sit-in in front of its headquarters in the capital, on Friday, November 17, 2023, in support of the Palestinian people and to demand the cancellation of normalization agreements between Bahrain and the occupation entity, the departure of the US Fifth Fleet, and the boycott of companies and products from countries that are complicit with the entity.

In his speech during the sit-in, Ibrahim Sharif, a member of the society, called for "not underestimating the boycott, as it has major moral and educational effects on us and may be more important than its economic effects on the entity."

Sharif said: "The barbaric aggression on Gaza had international sponsors, led by the United States and Britain, who gave the entity a green card for aggression and sent fleets." 

He added that "the entity will not accomplish its mission except by occupying our consciousness through trade, sports, politics, culture, art, media and others, that's why you see the Zionist ambassador, along with Zionist delegations, meeting all state ministries and bodies to achieve this breakthrough in our consciousness."

"Our compatriots in Gaza alerted us that in the midst of appalling massacres, there's no room in the spectator's gallery except for the indifferent and traitors."

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