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BCCI Chairman Says during Economic Summit in London: It's Time for Arab Business Owners to Pressure their Governments to Stop Killing Palestinians

2023-11-21 - 12:37 am

Bahrain Mirror: The chairman of the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Union of Arab Chambers, Samir Abdullah Nass, said in his speech during the Arab-British Economic Summit in London that "prosperity cannot be achieved without stability in light of what we are witnessing today in Palestine."

In his speech on Monday, November 20, 2023, Nass said: "I don't think that any human being on this earth would accept this to happen to him; 78 years of misery suffered by the Palestinian people is enough. What can I say about racial discrimination and ethnic cleansing? It's painful to see that."

"More than 70% of those killed in Gaza are children, infants and women," he noted. 

He pointed out that "it is time for us, Arab and British business owners, to talk and influence governments to push them to develop solutions to stop the killing of Palestinians." "I don't know how we can consider ourselves human beings and practice our normal while people are being killed?" he wandered

He highlighted that "the media is distorting what is happening on the ground," stressing "the need to open the crossings and allow the entry of food, water and electricity" into Gaza. "We cannot remain silent any longer," he stated.

Nass concluded his speech by saying: "Long live Palestine, long live Palestine" and raised its flag in front of the participants in the economic summit, prompting many of them to stand up and applaud him.

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