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HR Organizations Urge Bahrain to Immediately Release Political Activist Hasan Mushaima, Ensure He Receives Treatment

2023-12-12 - 6:13 p

Bahrain Mirror: 16 human rights organizations sent a joint letter calling on the King and Crown Prince of Bahrain to urgently and unconditionally release the prominent political dissident in Bahrain, Hasan Mushaima, 75, and ensure that he receives urgent and appropriate medical care.

The organizations expressed deep concern about Mushaima's worsening health as a result of authorities' denial of needed medical care and pointed out that his family fears that he is nearing end-stage kidney failure, especially after his diabetes medications were changed on November 15, 2023, due to the adverse effects on his kidneys. His family noted that his new medications are causing him to have unstable blood sugar levels, according to his doctor.

In a telephone call on December 6, 2023, Mushaima told the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy that despite his unstable blood sugar levels, he has not been provided with an insulin pump or another medical device to regulate his insulin levels.

Additionally, Mushaima has been denied access to his medical records after he learned that he has severe kidney damage. Mushaima's doctor indicated that his kidneys are significantly damaged and that he might soon need dialysis.

According to his family, when Mushaima insisted on knowing the details of the damage, the doctor told him that they could not disclose this information without permission from the Interior Ministry.

His family is highly concerned about his declining health and the lack of information he has been provided about his diagnosis and health crisis.

The signatories are: Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), Amnesty International, ARTICLE 19, Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD), CIVICUS, Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN), European Centre for human rights and Democracy (ECDHR), FairSquare, Freedom House, Human Rights First, Human Rights Watch, International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED), REDRESS, The Freedom Initiative and The Rafto Foundation for Human Rights.

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